Kyla and Jay's Central America Travel blog

Dos touristas Canadiences, no hablo Espanol muy bien!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One week and counting...


Kyla and I have established this blog to keep you abreast of our adventures in a strange land. We might not be updating very often, but we will try to have something on here once a week.

We depart in 7 days for our adventure through Central America. We're begining in San Jose, Costa Rica on the 20th of September and flying home from Cancun on the 15th of December..

We'll be starting out on the Caribe coast, then checking out the highlands, then the pacific of CR. Then onward to Nicaragua for a couple weeks.

We have managed to get our hands on a digital camera, so there will be images, but we will still try and use colorful descriptives.



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